Copyright © 1995 Robert M. Free - publishing rights reserved
MUTT(tm) and MUTTER(tm) are trademarks of Robert M. Free

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[] System and User-definable Variables

MUTTER(tm) supports user-definable variables and read-only system variables. It also supports functions for manipulating the values in these variables.

Variables are memory slots for storing and retrieving values. Variables are generally used within commands; you can send the contents of a variable to a MUD via the "say" command, or just display it in your window via the "note" command.

System Variables

MUTT(tm) Lite supports the following read-only, system variables:


Evaluates to a string containing the name entered in the "character" field of the "Open..." dialog box.


Evaluates to 0 about 50% of the time and 1 the rest of the time.


Evaluates to 0 if the user pressed the "OK" button when starting the MU* session or 1 if the "NEW" button was pressed.


Evaluates to a string representing a 1-based number indicating the index of the word in TRIGGER_LINE that caused a trigger event. May be used with "setword" to retrieve the trigger word.


Evaluates to a string containing the text line received from the host when a trigger occurs.


Evaluates to TRIGGER_INDEX plus 1. May be used with "setword" to retrieve the word after the trigger word.


Evaluates to TRIGGER_INDEX minus 1. May be used with "setword" to retrieve the word after the trigger word. See AA.MUT sample script.


Evaluates to a string containing the text entered in the "password" field of the "Open..." dialog box.


Evaluates to a string identifying the version; example: "0.1A".

User-definable Variables

User-definable variables are defined within the "[Variables]" script group.

The variable allocation format is as follows:

label = type, size [, dimension [, dimension [....]]]

"label" is a unique variable name with 16 characters or less and may not include spaces. "type" is either: "int", "dec" or "str". "size" is the number of bytes used by an element of this variable. "dimension" defines the dimension of the scalar/array/matrix variable.

Note: "\n" is interpretted as carriage-return line feed in "str" variables.

MUTT(tm) Lite only supports "str" variables, and does not support variable arrays.

NEXT PAGE Pre-defined Functions

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