Copyright © 1995 Robert M. Free - publishing rights reserved
MUTT(tm) and MUTTER(tm) are trademarks of Robert M. Free

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[] Pre-defined Functions

Functions are commands that evaluate to expressions and may be used in place of variables within other commands.

MUTT(tm) Lite does not support user-definable functions.

chance( percent );

Evaluates to 1 every "percent" of the time; otherwise evaluates to 0.

equstr( variable, expression, case_flag, offset, count );

Compares contents of "variable" with "expression"; "expression" may be a variable or a string (eg. equstr( "0", TRIGGER_INDEX, 0, 0, 0 )).

"case_flag" is 1 for case-sensitive matching; otherwise 0.

"offset" is the offset from the start of variable; may be 0.

"count" is the number of characters to compare; 0 indicates comparison to end of variable and "expression".

Evaluates to 1 if compared strings are equal; otherwise 0.

findstr( variable, expression, case_flag );

Searches contents of "variable" for first occurence of "expression"; "expression" may be a variable or a string.

"case_flag" is 1 for case-sensitive matching; otherwise 0.

Evaluates to 0 if "expression" is _not_ found; otherwise non-0.

yesno( expression [, expression [...]] );

Pops up a message box with "expression" as a prompt.

"expression" may be a variable or a string within quotes. The expressions are evaluated and concatenated.

Evaluates to 1 if user presses OK button; otherwise 0.


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