Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)VRML is the 3D analog to HTML. HTML provides a 2D standard for displaying information, forms and links on the internet; VRML lets you do the same thing in 3D.
VRML SpecsVirtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML 1.0)ISO/IEC VRML97 Spec Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML 2.0) SGI's VRMLScript for VRML 2.0 Netscape's JavaScript Specs Netscape's JSObject Java/JavaScript Class Netscape's Object Heirarchy US Navy's Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) VRML Interface SGI's Proposed VRML 2.0 External Authoring Interface (EAI) Sony's JSAI VRML 2.0 Java Extensions for VRML IBM's Proposed Binary VRML Specification
VRML and Related ReferencesGrafman's VRML TipsGrafman's EAI Demo and Source Example VRML Architecture Group (VAG) San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) - VRML Repository HITL's VRML Resources Page SGI's VRML Web Pages SGI's OpenGL Web Pages SGI's OpenInventor Summary Java3D Class Libs
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