Copyright © 1995 Robert M. Free - publishing rights reserved
MUTT(tm) and MUTTER(tm) are trademarks of Robert M. Free

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[] Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of questions occasionally asked by MUTT users.

Changing Font Size

MUTT(tm) Lite is a barebones implementation of MUTT(tm), and does not provide menus for changing font settings. However, you can change font size, style and boldness by modifying the [Fonts] settings in MUTT.INI .

MUTT(tm) Live and later versions feature dialogs for setting font size, style boldness and color.

Pause Mode

Lite 0.1K adds a Pause mode that defers text updates in the display window, to allow scrolling and cut&paste. You can toggle text mode when by using <ctrl-s>, or by clicking on the display and command windows. A red bar between the windows indicates that pause mode it on; green inidicates that it is off.

While pause mode is on, you can scroll the display window using standard Windows keys: <left>, <right>, <up>, <dn>, <pgup>, <pgdn>, <home>, <end>, <ctrl-home>, <ctrl-end>. <ctrl-home> scrolls to the start of the dispaly buffer, <ctrl-end> moves to the end.

Pause mode will automatically go off if: you type a command, switch to a different window, or if the incoming pause queue get filled up.

Note: Triggers will continue to be processed while pause mode is in effect.

Cut and Paste

Lite's command window supports standard Windows cut&paste features. Cut&paste operations are achieved via standard Windows control keys: <ctrl-x> is used for cut, <ctrl-c> is copy, <ctrl-v> is paste, and <ctrl-z> is undo.

In 0.1K The cut&paste features on the display window are somewhat enhanced. When text is selected in the display window, <ctrl-v> will paste the selected text to the commandline; <ctrl-x> will replace the commandline - there's no need to do a <ctrl-c> first.

NOTE: 0.1K's Cut&Paste appears to be iffy on lower mem systems; I'm looking into this.

Try using <shft-del> for cut and <shft-ins> for paste.

Mutiple Sessions

You can access multiple MUD sessions by simply using the "File" menu to open an additional session. Note: a given character may connect to a given mud only once at a time; to connect more than once to the same mud, you need to define separate characters.

If your session windows are maximized, you can use <ctrl-tab> to switch between sessions, or use the "Windows" menu.

If your session windows are not maximized, you can simply click on the session window that you want to type in.

Setting Colors

The default window and text colors used by MUTT(tm) are controlled by Windows' system colors. You change can the default colors by using your system Control Panel to set the window background and text foreground colors.

Sound and Multi-media

0.1K adds a "beep" command. If you have a sound card installed, you can register .WAV and MIDI sounds to various events. Using the following numbers with "beep" will cause these sound events:

You can also use FileManager (or equivalent) to associate .WAV, .AVI and other files with players/viewers. Using the "exec" command, you can play sounds movies within scripts and call them via triggers.

In the command window, you can use "exec" to launch applications.

NOTE: 0.1K got released with "exec" disabled ;^{
Get the 0.1L beta at if you are having troubles getting this to work.

Launching from an HTML Page

You can use a "telnet" URL to launch Lite 0.1K and later. First set your browser's options to use MUTT_LIT.EXE as your telnet supporting application.

For convenience, you will want to create a "SCRIPTS" subdirectory in your browser's main directory, and put a copy of your command script files there (eg. GENEREIC.MUT).

Using the "telnet:\\host:port" URL format will result in starting Lite, with the address and port fields filled in; you will need to set the script field, and optionally the character and password fields:

NEXT PAGE Installing MUTT(tm) Lite

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