XXX - Almost complete; needs GLX protocol. Name SGIX_instruments Name Strings GL_SGIX_instruments Version $Date: 1997/09/18 01:12:38 $ $Revision: 1.6 $ Number 55 Dependencies None Overview This extension allows the gathering and return of performance measurements from within the graphics pipeline by adding instrumentation. There are two reasons to do this. The first is as a part of some type of fixed-frame-rate load management scheme. If we know that the pipeline is stalled or struggling to process the amount of data we have given it so far, we can reduce the level of detail of the remaining objects in the current frame or the next frame, or adjust the framebuffer resolution for the next frame if we have a video-zoom capability available. We can call this type of instrumentation Load Monitoring. The second is for performance tuning and debugging of an application. It might tell us how many triangles were culled or clipped before being rasterized. We can call this simply Tuning. Load Monitoring requires that the instrumentation and the access of the measurements be efficient, otherwise the instrumentation itself will reduce performance more than any load-management scheme could hope to offset. Tuning does not have the same requirements. The proposed extension adds a call to setup a measurements return buffer, similar to FeedbackBuffer but with an asynchrounous behavior to prevent filling the pipeline with NOP's while waiting for the data to be returned. Note that although the extension has been specified without any particular instruments, defining either a device dependent or device independent instrument should be as simple as introducing an extension consisting primarily of a new enumerant to identify the instrument. New Procedures and Functions void InstrumentsBufferSGIX(sizei size, int *buf) void StartInstrumentsSGIX(void) void StopInstrumentsSGIX(int marker) void ReadInstrumentsSGIX(int marker) int PollInstrumentsSGIX(int *markerp) int GetInstrumentsSGIX(void) An example of using the calls to test the extension: { #ifdef GL_SGIX_instruments static GLint buffer[64]; GLvoid *bufp; int id, count0, count1, r; /* define the buffer to hold the measurments */ glInstrumentsBufferSGIX(sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(GLint), (GLint *) buffer); /* enable the instruments from which one wishes to take measurements */ glEnable(); glStartInstrumentsSGIX(); /* insert GL commands here */ glReadInstrumentsSGIX(14); /* insert GL commands here */ glStopInstrumentsSGIX(15); /* the number of msrmnts since the buffer was specified can be queried */ glGetIntegerv(GL_INSTRUMENT_MEASUREMENTS_SGIX,&r); /* r should be 2 */ glGetPointervEXT(GL_INSTRUMENT_BUFFER_SGIX,&bufp); /* bufp should be equal to buffer */ /* * we can do a GetInstrumentsSGIX before or after the calls to * PollInstrumentsSGIX but to be sure of exactly what * measurements are in the buffer, we can use PollInstrumentsSGIX. */ count0 = glGetInstrumentsSGIX(); /* count0 will be a count of from 0 to 2 multiples of the size * in words of the instrument measurement we have enabled. * If buffer was overflowed, count0 will be 1. */ while (!(r = glPollInstrumentsSGIX(&id))) ; /* if r is -1, we have overflowed, if it is 1, id will * have the value of the marker passed in with the first * measurement request (should be 14) */ while (!(r = glPollInstrumentsSGIX(&id))) ; /* see the note on the first poll; id should be 15 */ count1 = glGetInstrumentsSGIX(); /* the sum of count0 and count1 should be 2 times * the size in words of an instrument measurement * that we have enabled. */ #endif } New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: INSTRUMENT_MEASUREMENTS_SGIX Accepted by the parameter of GetPointervEXT: INSTRUMENT_BUFFER_POINTER_SGIX Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation) None Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.0 Specification (Rasterization) None Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer) None Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.0 Specification (Special Functions) The following commands are not included in display lists: InstrumentsBufferSGIX PollInstrumentsSGIX GetInstrumentsSGIX Add a section 5.X entitled Instruments: Instruments provide a method to measure performance of the GL pipeline and identify possible bottlenecks. This information may be useful in feedback-based load management schemes which attempt to maintain a constant frame-rate. A set of functions is provided which allows an asynchronous implementation such that the graphics pipeline need not be stalled while measurements are returned to the client. A buffer in which to collect instrument measurements is defined with InstrumentsBufferSGIX, where defines the size of the buffer. If has been previously defined with a prior call, the buffer is reset, that is, measurements taken after the call to InstrumentsBufferSGIX will be written to the start of the buffer. Otherwise the buffer will be processed in a way that allows asynchronous writing to the buffer from the graphics pipeline. If is zero, then any resources allocated to prepare the buffer for writing from the graphics pipeline from a previous call will be freed. If is non-zero, but is different from a previous call, the old buffer is considered to be replaced by the new buffer and any allocated resources involved in preparing the old buffer for writing are freed. If is negative an INVALID_VALUE is generated. An INVALID_OPERATION is generated if InstrumentsBufferSGIX is called between Begin/End. If there are multiple instruments enabled, the measurement for each enabled instrument can appear in the buffer in any order for a given measurement. The buffer address can be queried with glGetPointervEXT using GL_INSTRUMENT_BUFFER_POINTER. To start the enabled instrument(s) before taking a measurement execute StartInstrumentsSGIX. To stop the enabled instruments and take a measurement use StopInstrumentsSGIX. The parameter is passed through the pipe and written back to the buffer to ease the task of interpreting the buffer. To take an instrument measurement use ReadInstrumentsSGIX. The parameter is processed as with StopInstrumentsSGIX. An INVALID_OPERATION is generated if StartInstrumentsSGIX is executed twice without an intervening execution of StopInstrumentsSGIX or InstrumentsBufferSGIX. Symetrically, an INVALID_OPERATION is generated if StopInstrumentsSGIX is executed twice without an intervening execution of StartInstrumentsSGIX. ReadInstrumentsSGIX will generate an INVALID_OPERATION if executed after an execution of StopInstruments without an intervening execution of StopInstrumentsSGIX or InstrumentsBufferSGIX. Executing any of StartInstrumentsSGIX, StopInstrumentsSGIX, ReadInstruments without a successful call to InstrumentsBufferSGIX to define a buffer will generate an INVALID_OPERATION. Executing any of StartInstrumentsSGIX, StopInstrumentsSGIX, ReadInstruments between Begin/End will generate an INVALID_OPERATION If no instruments are enabled, executions of StartInstrumentsSGIX, StopInstrumentsSGIX, ReadInstruments will not write measurements to the buffer. The number of measurements taken since the buffer was reset can be queried with glGet using GL_INSTRUMENT_MEASUREMENTS. To determine whether a measurement of the enabled instruments has been written to the buffer call PollInstrumentsSGIX. If a new measurement has appeared in the buffer since the last call to PollInstrumentsSGIX, 1 will be returned, otherwise zero is returned. If 1 is returned, the value of marker associated with the measurement and passed to StopInstrumentsSGIX or ReadInstrumentsSGIX is written into the integer referred to by . The measurements will appear in the buffer in the order in which they were requested. If the buffer is overflowed, PollInstrumentsSGIX may return -1 as soon as the overflow is detected, even if the measurement being polled for did not cause the overflow. An implementation may choose to delay reporting the overflow until the measurement that caused the overflow is the one being polled. To get a total count of the number of new valid words written to the buffer call GetInstrumentsSGIX. The value returned is the number of ints that have been written to the buffer since the last call to GetInstrumentsSGIX. GetInstrumentsSGIX can be used independently of PollInstrumentsSGIX. If the buffer has been overflowed since the last call to GetInstrumentsSGIX, -1 is returned for the count. Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.0 Specification (State and State Requests) The GL_INSTRUMENT_BUFFER_POINTER_SGIX enum should be added to the list of enum's recognized by GetPointerv. Additions to the GLX Specification None GLX Protocol XXX - not yet complete Errors An INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any of the instruments functions or procedures are called within Begin/End. When calling glInstrumentsBufferSGIX, an INVALID_VALUE is generated if is negative. An INVALID_OPERATION is generated if two StartInstrumentsSGIX are called without an intervening call to StopInstrumentsSGIX or InstrumentsBufferSGIX. Symetrically, an INVALID_OPERATION is generated if StopInstrumentsSGIX is called twice without an intervening StartInstrumentsSGIX. ReadInstrumentsSGIX will generate an INVALID_OPERATION if called after a call to StopInstruments without an intervening call to StopInstrumentsSGIX or InstrumentsBufferSGIX. Calling any of StartInstrumentsSGIX, StopInstrumentsSGIX, ReadInstruments without a successful call to InstrumentsBufferSGIX to define a buffer will generate an INVALID_OPERATION. New State Initial Initial Get Value Get Command Type Value Attrib --------- ----------- ---- ----- ------ INSTRUMENT_MEASUREMENTS_SGIX GetInteger Z 0 - INSTRUMENT_BUFFER_POINTER_SGIX GetPointervEXT Y 0 - New Implementation Dependent State None